7149 Nolensville Rd, Nolensville, TN 37135

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes we do! Adults are welcome to join the Art 1 classes and complete the 4 year course with us.
No not at all. All supplies are provided and a one time yearly supply fee of $96 payable during registration will cover all the supplies you or your child will need through the year.
Announcements and news will be posted on our website. We also encourage our families to join our Facebook page and follow the updates we post.
Tuition can be paid online on our website. You will find the online payment button under the classes drop down menu. You will be able to set up an account to make this process seamless.
Tiny hands and Introduction to Art has open enrollment throughout the year. The cut off for enrollment in Beginning Art and Art 1 is February. Students enrolling in Art 1 and Beginning Art during the second semester will not be able to advance to the next level unless they attend Summer Workshops specifically designed to help them catch up first semester work.
Yes. Nashville Children’s Art Classes is a nine month commitment. We operate on a tight budget and we would like to keep our doors open for all our student who do make the commitment. It is your responsibility to make sure you or your child attend class weekly and it therefore should be a chosen commitment and should not be a decision dependent on things happening the night right before class. Seats in every class are limited. We want to keep our class size low to give individual attention and it will be unfair to reserve a valuable spot and then not pay for it. It is also standard practice in all course-style programs to charge full tuition regardless of missed classes.
We do understand that unexpected situation can come up. We request that you please TALK to us before you cancel. We ask for a 30 day notice of cancellation. That will give us time to fill the empty seat with a new student. If your reason is purely financial we will do what we can to figure something out for you.
Please see our class schedule for the holiday time off. Weather related closings are based on the road conditions. If there has been snow, and/or any ice or slush on the roads then we will be closed. We will post update on Facebook to keep our families informed.
When we missed a class we will slide the curriculum forward. At the end of the year we will add an extra class if we did not make up for time.
We do not have a waiting area. I do want to make sure you are informed on your child’s progress and will contact you individually to give you updates and share pictures of work completed.
Everyone try to wear old clothes that can get paint on it. We will have t – shirts to wear over clothes, but in winter it will not keep paint off long sleeves. Please plan on messiness. A designated long sleeve t -shirt for art class will be great.

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