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Playdough fun for kids

Most shop-bought play doughs are expensive, it is not good for the environment and it often dries in a brown clump long before your kids remembered they even had it. Today we explore the best recipe for natural homemade playdough that takes minutes to prepare and can go back into the compost bin once the shelf life is reached.

Kids LOVE playdough and it has so many lovely benefits for your child´s development:

  • It strengthens hand muscles and enhances fine motor skills while having loads of fun.
  • It stimulates creativity and imagination with unlimited possibilities of molding, shaping and creating. Adding rolling pins, shapes and other tools creates a world of opportunities for your child´s imagination.
  • Molding clay has a meditative effect and can often calm and soothe a restless child. It also helps to express some of those emotions they may not be able to voice yet.
  • Adding more tools to the playdough experience helps to develop hand and eye coordination.
  • Playdough greatly enhances social skills in group play, helping children to discuss challenges, find solutions or brainstorm ideas together

Photo Credit: researchparent.com

Natural homemade non-toxic playdough recipe

This is a super-fast recipe that doesn´t get sticky and lasts a couple of months if stored in a zip sealed bag. It is easy to add a variety of natural colors and scents to stimulate the senses and has a lovely texture. This recipe is perfect for group play for up to 4 kids, is inexpensive to make and can easily be doubled to invite more friends.

Main ingredients:
  • 2 cups of flour – any kind will do, the healthier you want it to be, the less refined it should be.
  • 3/4 cup of salt – sea salt or pink salt is great for the skin.
  • 4 teaspoons cream of tartar (optional) – it is natural and in small quantities is harmless for your child. In high doses, it can have a laxative effect and should be tested on the skin for allergies.
  • 2 cups lukewarm water.
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil (coconut is the best for your child´s skin).
    natural food coloring – there are plenty of natural food color options that are non-toxic. Shop around and keep allergies in mind.
  1. Mix the flour, salt, and cream of tartar.
  2. Mix water with the few drops of food coloring (this will stain your hands less and blend easier). If you prefer a variety of colors leave the food coloring for last.
  3. Slowly pour the water into the flour mixture while stirring.
  4. Stir until combined and then knead with your hands until the dough becomes sticky.
  5. Add more flour if the dough is too sticky.
  6. Divide the dough into balls, add 5 drops of food coloring of your choice to each and knee them well to create a variety of play doughs.

Photo Credit: iheartnaptime.net

Some additional tools to play with:
  • Rolling pins
  • Cookie cutters
  • Jar rings
  • Rulers
Storing playdough:

Airtight containers or zip-seal bags are the best, making sure your playdough gets sealed in with as little air as possible. It doesn’t need to be refrigerated, store in a cool place away from direct sun.

Photo credit: iheartnaptime.net

Simple shapes

Create some of your own shapes or see what you can find online to help stimulate learning. A circle for a ball, a triangle for a pizza slice or a square for a window. The options are limitless.

Photo Credit: prekinders.com

Sculpting with playdough

See this lovely video on YouTube to help your child develop fine motor skills and creativity. It only takes 4 minutes to watch and is so much fun to create this playdough elephant!

Video credit: eHowArtsAndCrafts